

The reasons of our company success and perpetual growth lie in our hard work and our expertise!

Originally, our company has been founded at the very peak of the US Rustbelt’s rise.


The industrial manufacturing roared and thanks to that boom, our founder Herbert Bush Sr. was able to enter the market with a price-effective solution: maintenance and safety supervision for the factory plants…


Back in the time, 1955 was seeing the US coal mining and processing industry, the US auto manufacturing industry and the US oil industries all raging with high growth numbers.


But there was a setback to this overall post-WW2 industrial rising: a shortage of specialists.


So our founder Mr. Bush and his fellow colleagues, all of whom had a vast working experience in the field, decided to help factories with supervising their routine maintenance and checkups.


That’s how our industrial services company was born.


From that moment on we’ve been only expanding. As recently as last year we’ve reached a brand new milestone of 5, 500+ plants and factories serviced!


we stand by:

A Commitment to Excellence


Throughout our whole history, we’ve been committed to keeping it up and be the biggest industrial services company in Pennsylvania, New England, and the US. Since the ’50s, we’ve been providing our maintenance and repairs services to hundreds of miscellaneous factories and plants. Big or small, in Dakotas or Virginia, we’re ready to take care of your industrial facility! Also, one of our main services includes waste management…

A Real


Everything we do, we do as a team! That’s been true since back in the ’50s when all of our company consisted of a small crew of 10 industrial management and repairs professionals, who could have fit in a small office room… That is even truer today, as our team expanded to an under 1000 personnel. That’s why we can assure you, that whatever your specific plant is all about, we’ve got a spare crew member or two to dedicate solely to your company…

An Urge for Fair

While we’re located in one of the priciest states of the Union, namely the Pennsylvania, we always stood by the principle, that all of our industrial services must meet a common sense test for its pricing… So with hiring us you’ll get yourself a unique chance to get the most price-efficient maintenance and repairs contract ever. If you’ll compare it to the prices that our market competitors have, you’ll see yourself, how true that statement...


clients services


large crew


tolls & equipment


of returning customers


Herbert Bush Jr.




Herbert is the son of the company’s founder, Herbert Bush Sr. He manages the business since his father retired in 1999 …

Charles Quagmire

Chief Executive Officer

Charles is one of the brightest specialists. He’s got more than 50 years of practical industrial experience under his belt!

Jonathan Boregard


Design Chief Officer


While Jonathan has initially worked as a repair man, during the 30 years of our service here he recently became our CFO …

Alfred Nobel


Contractors Operations Head


Alfred is known for his admirable achievements, such as his record-breaking number of plants serviced he invented!

Ken Ferguson


Chief Financial Officer


Ken’s been working as a chief financial analyst for Bechtel; Fluor Corp.; CB&I and Kiewit Corp.

Lennie Kravitz


Vice President of Operations


Lennie is our Human Resources manager. He’s used to working with a large team of a personnel, having previously worked at …

Ann Lennon


Vice President of Sales


John’s been working as a senior supervisor since 1991 and he’s currently the most experienced project’s supervisor we have!

William Clinton


Senior Controller & Analyst


Mr. Clinton is our equipment manager, besides his duty as a crew lead… He’s been with us since 1993 and he is …